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PLTFRM services


Workspace 365

Categorie: User Experience

Everything for your role, device and location in one digital workspace

Simplifying access to information and applications on any device, that's Workspace 365.

In just a few clicks, you can send emails, create documents, read news and access all business processes.

Everything is automatically tailored based on people's roles, devices and locations.

One digital workspace to get you started!

As a 'Thriving partner' of Workspace 365, we simplify the digital workspace by bringing together all applications, information, and intranet components on a single central web page. Automatically adapted based on your user's role, device, and location. And you can access it all through your browser.


In the workspace, you log in once for web, hosted and local applications. You also have access to news, contacts, and your organisation's social feed. Furthermore, you can integrate all the applications you need to work, like VoIP telephony or chat tools. This provides great ease of use as there is no need to switch between different applications. And of course, everything is done in your own beautiful corporate identity.

Workspace 365 simplifies working with documents by using a familiar user-friendly structure. By using SharePoint as the underlying technology for storage with the Workspace 365 interface, users can easily access documents from any device through their browser. They will get used to it in no time!

Because Workspace 365 has integrated with Azure Active Directory (where all user accounts and passwords are stored), it supports single sign-on with more than 2,500 applications. This means you will automatically log in to these applications with the same account you used to log in to the workspace.




PLTFRM services


Smart Workspace

Categorie: User Experience

Not so long ago, the office was the place where you worked. In recent years, however, the concept of a ‘workplace’ has become much broader. Thanks to technological advancements, you can work virtually anywhere: at the dining table at home, on the train, or in a hotel in Singapore. To collaborate effectively, you no longer need to be in close proximity to each other. The presence of technical facilities is essential for efficient on-site work, and that's where the Oaktree Group comes in. Amidst all technological changes, the Oaktree Group is the stable partner that shapes the workspace within your company. We ensure that access to files and email is guaranteed at all times, and that the trusted Microsoft Windows and Office Professional software is always functional and up-to-date.
Our promiseWe have extensive knowledge of processes and needs within the business world. As a result, we are able to offer a complete workstation for a fixed monthly fee. The Oaktree Group provides a comprehensive workplace with all the necessary features and hardware and software. Always fast, up-to-date, scalable, and with support from our network experts. This includes providing replacement hardware in case of a crash. You will be back to work in no time! And we can assure you that we will never compromise on functionality and quality in the process.
Your benefitBy choosing the Smart Workplace from the Oaktree Group, you opt for quality, comprehensiveness, and flexibility. You specify which programs are used within your organisation, and we take care of the rest. Everything needed for successful on-site work is included. You pay per workstation per month and make use of the best systems. All administration (asset management and life-cycle management) is naturally in our hands. All in all, a more than smart choice.